Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Should I start another blog?

Hey all, hows it going? Been pretty bust with my older brother's wedding last Sunday and it was great! (I'll post about  what I wore later!)
Anyways! I've been thinking.....(which is a dangerous thing for me to do! :)jk. Do you think I should start another blog? I mean I know this one doesn't have very many posts behind me...but hey it's a drawing blog so would it hurt if I have another one for other stuff? I'll still post as much as I can on this one but what do you think? I'm all for it but I want your opinion, if you'd like to know the theme then It'd be an ever after high blog (I've recently gotten into ever after high and I LOVE it!)with wishlists, maybe videos from the site, reviews for when I start collecting them, maybe photo stories, stuff about the ever after high characters, the latest news or scoop for ever after high, and stuff like that so what are your thoughts?

Yours truly-

  PS. sorry about the lack of pics on the post!


  1. I think if you want to start another blog you should go for it!

  2. If this is your first blog and you haven't had it for a year yet I would either, 1# change the name so that when you don't want to post about art you can post about doll stories/reviews etc. 2# just post them on here no one minds if it's called an art blog and you post doll stuff tons of people I know do that. Also two blogs are WAY hard to take care of I think you know what I mean remember three stoogettes :D jk. 3# post all the doll stuff on Three Stoogettes since it already has tons of followers you can make review posts and stuff and lots of people will see it! Also if you have two blogs you more then likely lean towards one more then the other and post more on it then you have the burden of the other one on your hands. Anyway long story short I think you should either change the name so that you already have a blog all set up for you, or post on three stoogettes all your doll posts and still use this as an art blog. Sorry don't mean to sound bossy but from personal experiences it's way hard to have two blogs just saying ;)


    1. Well threestoogettes probably won't want to hear about stuff like that though, it was just a thought 'cause so many other girls out there really like EAH so I thought those out there would like it but you're right so I probably won't do it.....

    2. Yeah good point, although I think if you do create another blog you should delete this one and make a separate page for art on it because like I said two blogs are really hard to take care of especially if you haven't had a blog for very long ;) But a new blog does sound fun! Whatever you want to do!
